Happy New Year

Happy New Year.  Wow 2012!!  I made a batch of black eyed peas to start the year off right…health, wealth and happiness.  The boys are eating one pea each.  The youngest says, “Yummy”.  Who knew?

We had a family New Years Eve dinner consisting of a crab salad, a veggie platter, penne pasta with marinara and asiago and of course milk.  The boys ate almost the entire veggie platter…that’s my cue to place one on the table for lunch and dinner everyday and evening for 2012. The boys immediately ran over to play with the neighbor as soon as dinner was finished, but made sure that we would call as soon as their sitter arrived.

The Mister and I went to see the movie The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.  The film was really well done and we enjoyed it immensely.  We returned home a little after 10p.m. with the intention of playing board games with the boys.  However they had played Scrabble, Hangman, Old Maid, Twister and Dance Party on the Wii with Daniella (best sitter ever..other that Uncle T. and Aunti B.) so, we opted to all crawl in our bed and watch a little of Dick Clark’s Rocking New Years.  The music was… in my opinion ridiculous…of course that is just my age…the boys actually liked listening to the artist “Pit Bull” until Marc Anthony’s voice came into the soundtrack that “Pit bull” was lip-sincing to . The youngest asked if we could download the song onto his ipod without Marc Anthony’s voice.  Too funny.  The kiddos were so tired that they both headed to their own beds before Lady Gaga performed and the Mister  switched over to the NFL commentaries for the Broncos game.  I’m sure Lady Gaga was fun to watch.  If  I had realized  the “Rocking New Year” was ending at 11p.m. I would have tried to keep the boys up another 15 minutes.  We’ll try again next year.  We were asleep a little after eleven… we haven’t made it until midnight for New Year’s Eve since 2000.

Everyone here including the dog’s slept in until 7:45.  Wow, that must be a record for the Mister.

All four of us are going to the Broncos game today, I think, the youngest and I might stay home. It’s a big one…if we win we go to the playoffs and if we lose… the so called “Powers that be” shot the team in the “Playoff” foot by trading away Kyle Orton to K.C.  Just in case you don’t follow the NFL as closely as we do…Kyle Orton is the opposing Quarterback and he was a Bronco 6 weeks ago.

We haven’t figured out how to change our 2011familymakeover.com name, so bear with us and we will let you know as soon as we do.

Resolutions anyone??

I only have one… no more booze…it makes me gain weight and I am forgetful.  So in my quest for a healthy body and mind…that is the first thing to go.  Second for me is to get the dogs out for a walk…one at a time is how I will have to do it so…maybe 1 mile each. The oldest is going to give up sugar which is probably the most difficult resolution.  I suggested cutting back, but he hates the way he feels after he’s eaten sugar and thinks perhaps giving it up all together would be the better choice.  He’ll need support from everyone in his quest, so let’s all try to be “Onboard”.  The youngest is not sure…he’ll let us know and the Mister Is going to support me in my quest..which is really “Our quest”.  Don’t worry..we won’t post our exercise schedule everyday.

Happy New Year! I’ve been asked to take over since the misses wants to get going on the kitchen. I sure hope we win today, I have tons of work to do but it’ll have to wait.

I too am off the sauce. Actually we haven’t had a drink since December 28th and we both feel skinnier and much healthier. I could call this the year of the “6 Pak” but that would put too much pressure on me to get my already chiseled body even more ripped. (there’s only so much a 55 year old can do, right) But do lookout as I’m on a mission. This reminds me of the trip I took to Italy a few years ago when I abstained from all carbs including pasta, and all alcohol. Think about it, if I can go to Italy and not drink wine or eat pasta, not drinking in Lakewood Colorado should be a breeze. I’ll stop now as I’m sure no one wants to hear about our resolutions but things like white flour and sugar go hand in hand with not drinking. We’re looking for some event like a triathlon in Hawaii that will keep us motivated and focused.

2012, hard to believe that’s the year. As I said a few days ago, it sounds so futuristic. We along with the entire World are looking forward to a new year and fresh start. I had to laugh as the news had a big story saying how 70% of the people are feeling better about 2012 than 2011, duh! I mean come on, any way you slice it, it wasn’t the best year. About the best thing any of us can say is that we made it through the year and it’s now over.

We as a family are thankful for everything that happened for us last year but have even bigger plans for twenty twelve. (I just like saying twenty twelve instead of 2012) We’re going to try to get off the grid a bit more (code for less tv), play more games, read more books, do more as a family, slow down a bit and de-clutter our lives, mentally and literally.

Well I need to run. At least I finished my 30 minutes of cardio and some work emails but I still have some things to get done before heading off to the game. It now looks like the oldest and I will be going along with his friend and dad. This is probably for the best as the youngest one has a hard time sitting through 3+ hours of football plus he usually costs me $100 in ice cream, hot dogs and assorted refreshments.

So, Happy New Year, we wish you all health, happiness and much success this year. We hope you enjoy reading about our daily exploits and we’re exited to share this next chapter in our lives with you. Take care, and God Bless, love us!



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