Tomorrow is September 1st. No turning back now. Hard to believe in about 120 days 2020 is over. Good riddance, right? Lori just pointed out that it’s then about 115 days until Christmas! Time for Tommy to get his tree out, ha!
Yesterday we sold a few more things. We also had to take most of the money we’d taken in over the past week and pay for a sheet of steel to go behind the bbq we’re building. Not the best timing on that but we need our bbq!
26 days until we go elk hunting. Ty has in person school today and Jag is doing well. Lori works from home today and our builder is finishing off a few more items around here. I’d love to take a load to the dump but we’ll see how much work I have.
Now to our Country. Police officers are being shot and killed with the latest to be a black officer in St. Louis. The radical leftists in Portland shot a Trump supporter and then cheered when they learned he died. What is wrong with people. We are now officially avoiding Denver as much as possible. Lori is going to see her Mom who’s having heart surgery a week from tomorrow and we’re super nervous about her going there. Things have to stop. The worse thing is it’s far left groups and people sitting in their fancy homes and offices that are controlling and manipulating all these groups and enticing the on-going violence. Their main goal is to make sure things stay messed up through the election as they think this will help them defeat Trump. I personally think they’ve overplayed their hand here as any sane person cannot support these antigovernmental violent groups that are now killing people. We’re way beyond protesting George Floyd or any black person being killed. You don’t see thousands of white people in the streets tearing down cities when these protestors kill a white person do you? The protestors of course never show up when a black police officer or young black child is killed as it doesn’t fit their narrative. Hell the news barely covers it too. Hold on, this isn’t over and won’t be until the rest of us stand up and say no more. Worst of all, all the democrats from Biden on down are silent. Their silence is a signal of approval to these groups and cannot be tolerated. Anyone who votes for Biden is supporting this violence and unrest. Don’t be fooled. Don’t vote for Biden because you don’t like Trump. That is not a reason, that is a cop out and supports these killers. Enough said as I’m so disgusted.
Time to go, be well, be safe, be kind and God Bless.