up all night but who cares

Mojo woke us up at 1am to go out and then 2am to come in and then again at 5am to go back out. I broke down and took both dogs to the groomers yesterday as they really needed it. I think he was a little itchy or something from his bath and so on as he kept scratching most of the night and he’s still at it this morning. On top of that, Lacey the lab got into a bag of trash and had it strewn all around the kitchen floor when I came down this morning. But you know what, I don’t care! That’s right, the Denver Broncos play at 11am and if we win and the hated Oakland Raiders lose, we’re in the playoffs. This is all that’s important, nothing , nada, zippo else. So put on your orange and blue and get ready for the game. Make sure all your chores are done, find the kids someone to play with and take the phone off the hook, it should be a good one.

Hard to believe it’s Christmas eve, it sure came fast and it’ll be here and gone before you know it, so savor it while you can. I’m all done with my shopping, the little that we did this year. I hope (don’t think) anyone will be disappointed but we really didn’t buy a lot of things or spend too much money this year as times are tight. This includes the boys, they really didn’t get much, maybe 3 or 4 presents each but I think Santa brought them something pretty special. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow or the day after to find out as he’s the only one who knows. Uncle T and Aunt B and Grandma will all have presents for them so fret not, they’ll make out just fine. The misses is worried that she didn’t get me much as I got her as she’s been eyeing a bunch of packages under the tree that have obviously been wrapped by me! I don’t have to put name tags on her presents because it’s easy to tell just by the wrapping job, which ones are for her. Little does she know that I shopped really hard and found a lot of great bargains for her. It’s a known fact that there’s always more stuff and great deals on women’s things than men’s. I think this is because women just shop more than men. I told her to get over it and just enjoy the season and her gifts and I’ll be just fine with anything.

She worked yesterday and has today and tomorrow off and then is back at it Monday the 26th. The oldest one went over sledding at Jennifer’s Grandma (with Jennifer) while the youngest and I went to lunch and then Mom took him sledding too while I went and helped out at my buddy’s shop to make a few extra dollars as he had a big sale. I’ll run downtown and get Aunt Shelly after the game and then she’ll spend the night at Grandma’s so she’s there in the morning. Uncle T and Aunt B will be busy preparing for the party at their house tonight. Aunt B’s parents are coming and all of us so it should be about 10 people in all.

My nose is still stuffed up (really pisses me off) but I’m going to the gym anyhow. I just can’t take it anymore and have decided to just ignore it and get on with life.

Lowes (the hardware store) had a huge one day sale yesterday with big discounts and no interest for a year so I finally broke down and bought a kerosene heater. I’ve been watching for a good deal on one for over a year and finally found it. You might wonder why do I need a kerosene heater, well we have always kept some kerosene on hand along with lanterns and stoves in case the power ever goes out, (better safe than sorry), and now we have a way to heat the house too. After all, a good heater on sale is less than $100 and is frankly good insurance. I can hear Uncle T laughing now and that’s ok but if the power ever does go out, especially in the winter, it’ll be warm here and of course we’ll let him come over. I’m sure some of you older than I remember kerosene lanterns and heaters quite well as they were very common in the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Oh well, must just be the boy scout in me.

Time to run and head to the gym. Maybe I can sweat this damn cold out of me. Have a wonderful evening, take care and God Bless. We’ll call you all tomorrow and talk to you then.

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” – Matthew 1:23 (KJV)

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