Our first fire

Yesterday we accomplished a lot. Here at home and in Minturn. Every day we’re getting a few more things moved and a few more things fixed. As soon as I left, figures, they called and were delivering our cauldron. Jag managed to set it all up except for the 132 pound cauldron itself. When I made it home we carried it back to where we decided to set it up. It wasn’t too heavy for us, just awkward as there are no places to really grab it.

We bbq’d some burgers on it before Jag, Lexi and Emile had a bonfire and made s’mores later in the evening. This morning I cleaned it out as we went to sleep before the kids were done. It’s really cool and the smell of the fire brought back memories of when we were kids. One of the best purchases we’ve made.

Lori’s work was great! Everyone is thrilled she’s there and she sees all kinds of room for improvement and is already changing things for the better. I’m off to Minturn this morning as it’s trash day and I want to get as much of the remaining crap out as I can.

Time to go, Ty is still at Lake Powell and having fun as no news is good news. Happy Wednesday, be well, be safe and God Bless.

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