Last night was my first night in our new home. It sure turned out nice. We can see ourselves being here for a long time. We’re still fixing things up and have lots of things to put away but it’s like living in a five star hotel at a resort in the mountains somewhere. Could be Arizona, Nevada, Northern California or Colorado.
I worked a ton yesterday in Minturn after my quick trip to Denver. Jag took the Audi down for us and then met me at the townhome to clean some more. Luz, Lori’s friend from her old office stopped by on her way home as she lives close. One of the nurses at Lori’s old job found out she has advanced breast cancer. She’ll have a double mastectomy pretty quick. Even though this is the girl who basically sabotaged Lori, Lori sent her a text wishing her well and offering to help in any way. We feel really bad for her as her husband had serious health issues a few years ago. We’re praying for her and are hoping for the best. So sad.
It’s raining this morning which is incredible. We took the dogs out for a walk and the smell of the sage and the fresh mountain rain was overwhelming. Lori had a call with the tv producers from Hell’s Kitchen and Big Brother last night as she and her new doc are doing a pilot for the Discovery Channel on spine surgery and will hopefully get picked up! How exciting is that?
My hand is still swollen. I probably have a fracture and will need to go in next week. If I need surgery I’ll have to wait for a while as I have too much to do.
I can’t get over our views from every room in the house. Both boys love it here and feel like they’re on vacation. More work today and my Cowboy Cauldron is supposed to arrive too! We’re going to bbq at Marty and Melanie’s tonight. Here are a few pictures of the view from our bed this morning.
I love my big rocks! No one can build near us the way the land flows. We have a big draw right behind the house so the closest anyone could build is across the gully.
It’s almost 7 and I need to get to the gym today for sure so time to go. At 9 we’re going to the stone yard to try to find just the right piece for our hearth and at 11:40 I have a Zoom call with the sales team from the distributor. Then it’s more cleaning, make it a great day and God Bless.
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