4:30am and Obama compares himself to Lincoln!

WOW, ok, I tried to stay away but he started it. Yesterday Obama compared his accomplishments to that of Lincoln and said his first 3 years are more successful than anyone other of our previous Presidents, can you believe it? I’m am just stunned, man is this guy detached. Alright in the spirit of the season, that’s all I’m going to say on the issue, you need to decide for yourself if Obama is more successful than George Washington, Ronald Reagan or Abe Lincoln. WOW

Ok, I asked the misses to write today but I’m up drinking my coffee getting ready to head to the gym. My cold’s a bit better but still hanging on. We think the youngest is getting it now, hope we’re all ok for Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, is it really 3 days away? I hope you’re all ready. We’re all going down to Uncle T’s for a buffet and to visit. I think we’re going to throw something in the oven just so we have some leftovers. Hopefully we won’t be sick or we’ll just be home in front of the fireplace taking it easy.

This morning I need to be in Boulder by 9am and then back in Denver and downtown by 11. Then it’s a couple of phone calls, one with Nevada and one with Arizona, then off to Fed Ex to get Aunt Robi’s and Auntie Kristin’s gifts on the way. I just love Fed Ex, they do a great job.

I’m going to run now, maybe the wifey will pick up the banner and write a bit this morning, let’s hope so. If she doesn’t, take care and God Bless, see you tomorrow.

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