Tax Day

Today is the new April 15th. Most people think taxes fall on the 15th but the IRS automatically withdrawals payments the night of the 14th. On top of that, the amount due was about double what was expected, ugh. I wouldn’t mind paying taxes if I actually could find something, anything I get for it. Sadly we don’t. I’m off to Denver in 20 minutes or so and still need to shower so I have to get moving. I need to get to the distributor between 8 and 8:30. Lori is picking out the stone for the hearth this morning. We’re still missing or waiting on a few things to arrive like handles for drawers in the kitchen and toilet paper holders. Building a new house is a chore for sure.

We’re trying to decide where Ty will go to school. He now wants to go to Battle Mountain but we need to see if school will be in person or not. That will probably be the deciding factor. The news just said High School will follow a hybrid model meaning half in person, half on line. We’ll need to see just what that means. Jag finds out which dorm he’s in this Friday. He’s been communicating with other new students from as far away as Saudi Arabia. That’s cool.

Time to move, 6:08 and I should be driving by 6:30. God Bless.

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