Last night Jagger cooked salmon for us and the Franks. He did an amazing job and it was at their house! We made it home a little before 10. Before that we went to the house and then to Frisco to pick up a mirror. Earlier in the day we picked up rug samples that we took down to the house trying to see what looks best.
Today the boys, (and us) are cleaning around here. Our boys just are not very good cleaners.
Looks like, in my opinion, this mess will be with us until at least 2022. That a sober thought but after analyzing all the medical data I can find, I don’t see this ending anytime soon. My thoughts are based on historical data showing how long it took similar pandemics to run their course. What I haven’t been able to get my arms around is the civil disobedience. There are things going on behind the scenes that are stoking the fires of division for political and economical reasons. Without knowing the details it’s hard to tell what the end game is here. One thing is for sure, there are many people that are easy and willing pawns for people in power to use to continue to try to divide us. The internet and social media is directly responsible for tons of misinformation and stirring up people with false facts and encouraging them to act. Half of what you see and read on the internet and most of what you see and hear on tv, is flat out false. Knowing what I know and more importantly what I don’t know, I would again encourage you to prepare for just that, the unknown. Stay stocked up on the essentials, food, water, medicines and other things you need and use daily. Don’t know on if you’ve been in a Home Depot type store lately but many of the shelves are empty. Everything from cleaning supplies to plywood to duct tape are hard to find. Keep a little cash on hand, always keep your gas tank at least half full and be aware at all times when out in public. Keep your head on a swivel. Unprovoked indiscriminate violence is becoming common, especially in the cities. Avoiding large crowds by now should go unsaid. Hopefully then you’ll ride this mess out. By the way, I think masks will be here long enough that I’ve gone to using silk bandana’s from the cowboy store to use as a mask instead of the flimsy annoying paper ones that end up getting dirty and thrown away. You can always wash your bandana. So there you have it. My take as of 7/12/20.
Ty’s ankle is getting better. Mine is a little swollen from having a spot burned off at the dermatologist. We’re waiting to see what award we can get from Vail Christian for Ty. My main concern is with the way things are going we’re not sure if school will be in person in a little over a month. Jag and I were talking and while we believe CU will start in some fashion, we think he could be sent home earlier than Thanksgiving if things continue to progress. Hard to tell here too.
So we’re living in a time of unknown. Anyone that says this is the new normal is only talking about where they are on that day as things seem to change as fast as the wind does. Don’t count on anyone, especially the government to save you. That’s it, be well and God Bless.