School is almost over. Jag has a cap and gown school picture this morning while Ty has to wrap up a history paper, then we’re done. Meanwhile I’m trying to close the month by getting in about $400K in the last few days.
I was in Denver by 8:30 and picked up the car by 9. I actually prefer the Audi to the Porsche. I was home by 11. Then I worked the phones all day until around 4:30 when I went to the gym. I just needed a break. I was going to go shooting with James and Marty but was too busy.
It’s nice and cool this morning as Spring should be with sun in the forecast. Ali posted an article from the Denver Post saying old people should stay home. To each their own but that article is exactly my point. Why do you believe everything you see in the newspaper or on tv? Weeks ago they told us you could catch this thing from surfaces, now they say you can’t. Months ago they told us not to wear masks and now they say wear them. I can see them saying in a month, don’t stay home, get outside as much as you can as we just found out that natural vitamin D from the sun builds up your immunity to the virus. Good God, wake up and realize nobody really knows much about this at all. What we do know for sure is this so far isn’t as bad as the flu. This is straight from actual number which are facts. If you’re “older” (what is older?) and it’s flu season, you shouldn’t go out around sick people. If you’re sick, you need to stay home. For some of you, your bodies might biologically be much older than your age while others might be younger than your age. The best thing about living in America is you have the freedom to do what YOU want. Some are trying to change this even now but as of today, you can still do what you want to do. So if you want to never leave your home, don’t. Just don’t tell others what to do. Lori’s friend in Wheat Ridge says people are posting neighbors on social media and chastising them for not wearing a mask. How sad, get a life and stop imposing your will on others. They said yesterday over 50% of Americans would refuse to get a Coronavirus vaccine. So get ready as herd immunity is what it’s going to take to get rid of this meaning you will sooner or later be exposed to it, unless you go into 100% total lockdown. Like I said a few days ago, maybe they should open quarantine homes for people that never want to go out again. Last, I’m not saying go to a concert or pool party with hundreds of people crammed into a small space. But if you need your hair done, need to go to the dentist, or want to go to a park or restaurant, be smart, be safe and go! Otherwise stay home as that’s your right but understand others feel different. Lori’s friend is actually considering selling their house and moving over their neighbors Nazi type shaming.
What we should be talking about is the issue of the day which is the poor black man who was murdered by police in Minnesota. What the fuck is going on? This guy did nothing to deserve this. The cops were fired but need to be charged. Sadly this further fuels racial division among us all which shouldn’t be happening in 2020. We pray for this man and his family. This is something to protest, not people not wearing masks!
May God Bless George Floyd and May God Bless you all.