It’s sunny outside, really sunny with a bright blue sky. There’s a thin layer of frost on the ground so we have white, blue and green all standing out bright and proud. Ty and Jack spent the night at Sonny’s while Jag, Lori and I hung out here at home. Jag has been learning to drive a stick as we arranged to borrow a car for a few months from one of my buddy’s. Our floors start going in today. Then it’s appliances, the kitchen counter tops, tile and range hood, finish work around the fireplaces, toilets and sinks and then some finish work. Garage doors should arrive this week too. It seems like we have a long way to go but we’re told it’ll go pretty fast now. The last thing is a second coat of paint. I think they’re pouring the asphalt driveway soon too.
Jack’s mom is driving up from Denver today to pick him up. Jag made a lot of progress on his room. I’d like to get some work done in the garage and the spare room. We have to get the storage units cleaned out.
Looks like no one is social distancing much of anywhere all around the Country. As I said, people are fed up. Those of you that think staying home will protect you better stay home forever if you don’t want to be exposed as with all these people congregating in large crowds, more and more people you’ll run into anywhere will be carriers or have it. This is how herd immunity works. The herd gets together and everyone getting exposed. It’s just a matter of time then before all of us are exposed. Some scientists say this would pretty much be over if we all just went about our lives and were all exposed early on. I’m not saying hug a sick person, just as you wouldn’t if they had the flu, but you have to live your life! Maybe they’ll make homes like nursing homes in the future that are quarantine homes. Then if you want to stay isolated from everyone you can go live there! Might be a new business.
Lots of new businesses will emerge from this mess. Many already have and others are being born every day. In a year we’ll look back and see how things have changed. Just wait. We’re talking about planning a road trip next year with some friends where we tour somewhere in the Country as a vacation. Trying to come up with something creative to look forward to.
We should be going to Denver today as there are a lot of sales going on and we need to find some deals on some stuff. We’re going to pass though as it’s so sunny and we have lots of work to do around here. Happy Memorial Day to all those that are serving, those that did and those that died. Freedom isn’t free! That’s why it’s so important not to let politician’s take away your rights, no matter what. Many (mostly democrats but republicans too) are introducing new laws that take away your rights or freedom in the name of it being good for society. They’re using the virus to create new laws that control you more and more. Don’t be fooled. We survived 250 years through things worse than this and are still here. DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOM. You may be one of those that doesn’t care about some things like gun rights but how about when you’re told you can’t get your hair done anymore or told you can’t do something you care about. What if a law is passed that says you can’t visit anyone in a nursing home or if you’re over a certain age, you have to go to a home, or you can no longer get certain medical care! Don’t think it can happen, ha, it’s already happening. Do not be fooled. God Bless.