It’s coming fast!

Won’t be long now, Christmas is almost here and it’s almost time for me to think about shopping. I hope everyone had a chance to read yesterdays post, if not, scroll back now. Last night both boys wrote a second letter to Santa after I explained he probably couldn’t get them the snowboards they requested as he might not know what size. The oldest kindly explained why he was writing (saying forget the snowboard as you might not know my size) and instead asked if Santa could just get him “something awesome” instead. The best part was the last sentence of his letter that said “but take care of other people first”! Are you kidding me! What great parents we are, here’s a kid at Christmas asking Santa to take care of other kids before him, WOW, pretty amazing at his age to put others before himself. Meanwhile the youngest too wrote a letter also asking for “something awesome” obviously taking a cue from his brother. His picture was of him and Santa with him saying “I love you” to Santa. He asked for a couple of small games and drew the best picture of a Christmas tree you’ve ever seen. The excitement is building around here and it’s magical to watch. As parents you just want to get your kids everything they want and then some. Of course this isn’t possible but you try. As I said yesterday, we are buying no junk whatsoever this year. In fact, we have only a couple things for each child but they are really nice things. We need to find some inexpensive (less than $10) items for them to open just for volume. I saw new winter coats and snow pants yesterday on sale for about $200 a pair each that I’d love to get each boy but we just don’t have the money. This year they’ll be in snow pants that are a couple of years old and a bit too short for each of them but will still do the job. My Mom is still looking for something to get me, maybe I could get her to buy these for the kids as my gift! Otherwise I’m eyeing a pair of Whites Boots which are a rugged outdoor leather boot which last a lifetime.

Ok, let’s talk about yesterday and today. The misses arrived home about 6:15 and I had a baked potato and chicken breast ready for dinner. The boys wanted cheese fondue which she whipped up and they dipped apples, chicken and bread in it for dinner. It was lots of fun for them. Today Mom and the boys are making “cake pops” for the school party I think.

Looks like I’ll be headed to Italy to meet with some of our vineyards and Andrea Bocelli January 8th to the 14th. I think I’ve told you we have a partnership (have had for 5 years) with Andrea and Alberto (his brother) Bocelli where we co-developed a line of “Bocelli Wines” which launch nationally in early 2012. Pretty soon, you’ll see them everywhere. I had to work the trip around the youngest ones birthday which is January 17th. Don’t fret Aunt B as the misses is putting in for the whole week off so no need to worry about watching the dogs. Someday I need to share a story with you about Andrea and his youth as he’s really a remarkable guy whose story is so inspiring it’ll give you the chills. In short, he’s really a great guy and a force for goodness in this World.

We’re really excited for 2012. For those of you that know me well, I always try to get a head start on the new year. This means while everyone else heads to the gym January 1st with their new resolutions in mind, I start now. In fact, I hate the first few weeks of the year at the gym as there’s always tons of new people who have made a resolution to get in shape. Luckily most of them are gone and never to be seen again by mid month. I’ve always made it a point to pretty much abstain from most alcohol in December, I usually take down the Christmas lights and “de Christmas” the house December 26th and am already in 2012 mode before the end of the year. In the past few years I’ve listened to the misses and left the lights up a bit longer but still manage to get them down before the end of the year. I just like to get a jump on the new year and be ready to hit the ground running while everyone else is thinking about starting on January 1st. Oh well, just a quirk of mine that I enjoy. I think it’s just my mentality of always looking ahead. For example, if I were to ask for or buy any clothes for Christmas, I want Spring clothes. It sounds funny but I’m already out of “winter mode” as it’ll be Spring in about 100 or so days! The stores seem to follow my lead as they too are putting their winter fashions on sale right about now. If you think about it, time sure goes fast! You have to enjoy each and every day!

The youngest just came down with a chocolate coins he found in his shoe from St. Nick. Of course, it’a already gone. Mom wrapped the few presents we have for the boys last night and stuck them under the tree as they’ve been asking her to do so for quite some time. Time to run, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’ve tried to stay totally away from politics. It also seems that everyday there’s another teacher charged with sexual abuse on a child. I’m not going to go into this but it just makes me sick to my stomach! I can’t even read about it. I shouldn’t of even mentioned it but it’s part of the World we live in. Oh well, I’m trying to focus on the good which I think we all should. Trust me, goodness is infectious, if you’re nice and do nice things each day, other people will too!

So, once again, have a great day, take care and God Bless you all!


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