Friday, yea!

We need a good weekend and thankfully it’s here. Ty has mountain biking today and Jag is getting ready for his AP tests next week. Stores in Denver are opening tomorrow with social distancing. So things are starting to reopen a bit. Australia is almost all reopened with only 100 deaths for the entire continent. They stopped all foreigners from coming in around the first of March yet Trump is getting crap for stopping the Chinese in late January and other measures he took around then. Also it now has come out that the whole Russia collusion thing that led to impeachment was all a hoax and made up by Adam Schiff and the Democrats. Hold on as the shit’s about to hit the fan.

Lori might be back to work soon meaning maybe by June. We’ll see. I think we’re going to the gym in a bit. Hope you all are well. Lots of people unemployed out there. Hope they’re doing well. We have to get people back to work. Time to go, make it a fun day and God Bless.

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