Here comes the sun

Obviously that’s the title to a George Harrison song from the Beatles but it’s also the theme for the week. It’s going to warm up big time. By the end of the week most of the snow will either be gone or barely hanging on. Tomorrow our friends from Denver are coming up to go down to the house with us for some sun as they just want to take a drive and get out of town. We canceled yesterday deciding to wait for the warmer weather. Lori, Jag and I did go down to the house before Jag went to Lexi’s for a walk and then they both went over to Emile’s. I noticed some restaurants are open up here meaning things are loosening up a bit. That’s good news but people need to continue to take precautions when out. As they say, it ain’t over until the fat lady sings.

We need to get a bit more motivated around here as we’re kind of stuck in a blasé routine. It’s tough hanging here at home and not living life as normal. As I keep saying, sadly I don’t think there will ever be a “back to normal” scenario to life as we knew it a few short months ago. We will get into a new normal groove sometime soon but we’re just not sure what that looks like right now. Our biggest concern is what is going to happen in August or September as far as school goes. We and every parent in the Country are waiting to see what happens here.

I have a Zoom call at 9 and then am not sure what’s going on. I think I’ll take the truck and head down to the storage until and make a couple dump runs. Right now it’s 7:21 so I need to get moving. Be well, stay safe and God Bless.

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