Last night we had a dusting, nothing to shovel but enough to cover the windshield of the car. Enough already, bring on the sun. Today they say we’ll be in the 60’s. Yesterday I was fighting off the start of a cold but through echinacea tea, elderberry syrup , zinc and vitamin C, it looks like I dodged it. No need to get sick these days.
Crime is way up in the cities. Every morning on the news I see a couple of shootings in Denver. Breaks ins are way up down there too. Keep your doors locked, even when home. Sad I even have to say that.
Lori worked yesterday even though she’s not working, ha. We’ll see how that goes. There are a couple protests in Denver today to open the economy back up. These have been going on across the Country as some local governments have taken things too far. The mayor of New York has asked people to take pictures of people who are not social distancing and turn them into the police. What? Sounds like Nazi Germany to me. Tattle on your neighbors, wow.
Eagle County is pushing to reopen as we’ve essentially stopped all new cases and have the highest testing rate in the entire country. We’ll see. We’d still need to practice some social distancing in some way which we probably will for years to come. It’s a new World and in many ways I don’t think this will be totally over until there’s a vaccine which could be a few years away. As I said a few days ago, hundreds of thousands around the country are out of food. Things are going to get worse economically before they get better. This is going to be the real challenge as many small business are already out of business and others will not make it. This is going to cause huge issues. On top of that, even as we sort of get a handle on this, it will come back probably in the Fall in a different fashion. Kind of a shit show.
The boys are well. Lori is trying to kick her headache still and the dogs are fine. Mojo needs a bath and his nails cut bad. We’ll try to get him in this week. I hope the stay at home policy get relaxed up here for the kids so they can all go on a hike or something. It’s just not normal for 16 and 18 year old’s to be trapped in their house all day for weeks.
Take care, be safe and God Bless.