Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, the day of the death of Jesus and soon it will be Easter and we will celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. The bible is a remarkable story and I would encourage everyone to read it. Try getting one called The Living Bible. I read it in High School and it’s much easier to comprehend. We need God now more than ever and he is there for each and everyone of us. All you need to do is reach out to him!

At 5 this morning, after not much sleep, I headed downstairs to go to the gym. When I came down I found that Mojo had peed so that slowed me down a bit. He’s old so you can’t get too mad at him. I had to be gone from the gym by 6:45 at the latest so I had to be fast. I am the only one there so no worries about coming in to contact with anyone. I haven’t been in over a week and it was much needed for my head and my body. Snow is coming Saturday night with temperatures in the single digits up here for Easter. I’m ok with this as the horse flys came out last week and this will pretty much get rid of them.

We’re still on lock down, all of us. I know I went to the gym but as I said, I was the only one there and it was at 5 in the morning. It’s better than going out to the park in the middle of the day with lots of people.

Work is going well considering everything. We’re all adjusting to the new normal. Dr. C. is doing virtual appointments and I overheard Lori scheduling a call with someone in Ukraine for this morning. She’s the glue that keeps things going. It seems every hour she’s putting out some fire or fixing some emergency. She’s worth every penny she gets paid as she works much harder than most people I know, including me.

It’s strange not going out to restaurants, the movies, or over to friends houses. There are so many things we miss. Hopefully all this social distancing we’re all doing will pay off and things can get back to normal. I think we might go buy donuts or some food for hospital workers today to help out. We’ll see, I need to check with the doctor in the house meaning Lori.

Guess I’ll go, they say we won’t peak until May here in Colorado which is good news. The daily numbers are misleading as some counties take days to report cases or deaths. Here in Eagle County we only had two new cases yesterday and we know one of the people as it is Lori’s nurse. Hope everyone is well, if anyone wants a copy of The Living Bible let me know and I’ll have one sent to you as I get a deal through my men’s group. Be safe, keep the faith and remember to have patience with everything as we’re all a little stressed out these days. God Bless.

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