Coming home

It’s 4:13 am in California and Lori is driving to the airport in California right now to fly home. The only good news about flying is she’s on the first flight out which is hopefully not very full and not very many people will be in the airport. She’ll be wearing a mask and gloves and avoiding places like public restrooms. We haven’t talked about how long this virus can live on surfaces. It normally can hang around for about 9 days but can last up to 27 days! In hotter weather this can be 3 days. Like we need that too. make sure you have Clorox wipes on hand. I’ll take them and wipe down her suitcase when she comes out of the airport before putting it in the car. Same with her shoes. Who’d have ever thought we’d need to take such precaution over anything.

Won’t be long until it’s here too. I think there are 9 people that have been tested in Colorado waiting on results. Some in Arizona too. Wash your hands and about time to start social distancing meaning stay away from crowds and people.

Ty had his Shakespeare Festival at school last night until 8. Jag stayed home and worked on stuff all day. I worked a bunch too and managed to pack up some more things from my closet. Boy do I have a lot of cowboy boots!

I pick Lori up at 9 and should be home by 11. Told her she has to wear a mask for 2 weeks. I have a call in about 10 minutes with Aleks Simcic in Slovenia so I need to run. Be safe, be vigilant and trust your gut feelings, God Bless.

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