Yesterday was really our fun day. First up and this is unbelievable, the VMS boys won their championship game! This is the first time in the history of the school that they won anything related to do with basketball. The team beat Meeker in overtime to win the Class 2A Region title. Next Saturday some team from somewhere in the State will come here for a State playoff game. I think the guys are rated number 16 in the State which is a big deal considering all the huge front range schools like Cherry Creek, Valor Christian, East High School and others. Congrats.
Meanwhile Ty was at the mountain all day for the Burton Open. He won some stuff at the Breast Cancer auction when he entered a raffle. In Ty fashion, he gave away two of the four things he won to friends who didn’t get anything. He called me wanting a Casio watch that was a special edition. This event was special as the founder of Burton Snowboards and really the father of snowboarding itself, died from cancer last year.
Today the boys have theater practice from 10 until 2. What fun. That was sarcastic.
I cleaned a bit after some errands and didn’t get as much done as I hoped but still have today. At 5 I went to James’s house where about six of us hung out and ate and had a good guy night with tons of stories and laughs capped off with Cuban cigars around a fire outside until about 10. It was fun and some of James’s stories of course were literally unbelievable but true. I’ll leave it at that.
Lori is doing her thing at her mom’s in Sacramento. The virus is still spreading and things don’t look good. We’re as prepared as we can be and now are just trying to stay healthy. I could list a bunch more facts like the 50 people at a nursing home outside of Seattle that are now sick to the 100 nurses at UC Davis in quarantine as the govt. and CDC didn’t prepare them to take care of people they flew home from China to the new total of 71 cases in the Country to companies and people cancelling domestic travel all over the Country but I think by now we all know how bad it is. Remember about 2 weeks ago Italy had something like 78 cases and now has well over 1000 with sadly people dying. So again, no way to stop it so all you can do is get ready for it to come to a neighborhood near you and try to ride it out. By the way, so far the CDC has been totally incompetent and has made numerous decisions that have resulted in people getting sick or being in quarantine in many places. Good luck and God Bless as you are literally on your own here. Do not, and I repeat, do not count of the government to help or save you. It just won’t happen. In many countries hospitals have cancelled all elective surgeries and are only admitting Covid 19 patients as they are so overwhelmed. The same could happen here once cases multiply. Also you must prepare for the supply chain to be interrupted. This includes everything from food to medical supplies to gas or other essentials you use daily and take for granted. Look around your kitchen and bathroom and take stock of what you need and go get it today!
Boys, glad you had a fun weekend. We’re super proud of you both for making good choices in all the things you do. Keep up the good work. Remember your whole life, no matter what age you look back on it, is all made up of a series of choices you make. We love you both very much.
Make it a great day, be safe, be strong and think for yourself, God Bless.