
February 1st, 2020, wow. Still sounds surreal. Hard to believe us kids, Tommy, Robin and I, were born in the 1950’s and 196o. Even harder to believe Jagger was born in 2001 and Ty in 2004! Time flies.

I was playing bachelor last night. Jag left around 6 or so and spent the night at Andrea’s as some of his friends were too drunk to move their cars at 2 am when he texted me. No problem as he’s a good kid and he did text. The point is I was hanging out with the dogs from 6 pm on and was kind of bored. Lori comes home tomorrow and Ty gets home tonight around 8. Jag is going to the school dance tonight but Ty is just coming home.

I’m working out at 8 this morning and then might run down to Denver to do some work on one of my rifles. I am watching the coronavirus closely. Things are not good and apparently this is a bioengineered weapon that was developed in Wuhan after the original product was stolen from a Canadian lab. The Chinese mutated it to make it more potent, nice. Don’t believe any of the propaganda from over there such as it was found in a fish market or the reported number of cases as they have a track record of not telling the World the truth. I follow a John Hopkins University daily report which is pretty credible if you cross check it with the World Health Organization data. Point is this thing is spreading fast and gaining traction right now. I’m scheduled to go to Italy at the end of the month which is plenty of lead time to see where this goes. We’ll all know by the middle of the month or so if this thing is out of control. The U.S. did bar all non-citizens or foreign nationals from China yesterday from entering the Country. This is a huge deal as we’ve never done this before. I’m glad they took this step but they need to stay vigilant. Spain and Sweden confirmed their first cases while you slept and Italy declared a national emergency while many countries around the World barred all travel from China too. Of course the Chinese govt. said we are all overreacting, ha. All U.S. airlines and most of those in the World have stopped service to China. It’s essentially been cut off from the World but the problem is already out there as there are hundreds of cases around the World. Now don’t panic but be aware. Some people I know are already in lockdown mode meaning they’re stocking up on last minute supplies and not venturing too far from home. Our family trigger point will be multiple cases of human to human transmission from cases that are not closely related. There are some disturbing facts such as this thing already has the same number of cases in one month as did SARS in 3 months! Once it looks like we achieved the tipping point, then it’s game on. Let’s just all pray this is not the pandemic those in the know have been warning about for years. I remember Bill Gates saying years ago that we need to prepare for a pandemic like we prepare for war. Of course we (meaning the government) didn’t take that seriously and didn’t prepare for it. So there you have it. If anyone wants suggestions or a list of supplies to have on hand, let me know as I’d be happy to send you an email.

Now back to the day. Tomorrow is the Super Bowl. We’re cheering for the 49r’s for Lori and her dad plus there are lots of ties to the Bronco’s. I do like the K.C. coach though and it should be a good game. It’s warming up the next few days but then more snow Monday afternoon and Tuesday.

That’s about it. It’s almost 7 am and I’m leaving in about an hour so I have time to start some laundry and clean up a bit. Hope you all are well. Take care and be safe and God Bless.

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