Ok, first up is the weather. After a weirdly mild fall with temperatures in the 70’s as recently as last week, the wind and snow along with single digit temps has arrived. Right now it’s 4:38am and we have maybe 3 inches on the ground but it’s still snowing and the wind is blowing. It’s supposed to keep up until mid afternoon and then temperatures will drop under 10 degrees. I was talking with a man in New York yesterday morning as we were boarding our flight for Denver and we were both in agreement that sooner or later we’d have to pay for all this warm weather, well here we go.
When I landed yesterday around 9:30 am, the sun was shinning as if it was a spring day. I pulled up to the house to find the misses 25 feet up a ladder putting more lights on the top of the house and big red bows on the upstairs windows. It seems she just wasn’t happy with what we already had up as it seemed only “half” finished. Personally I think Grandma Annette asking for pictures spurred on this second wave of decorations. Anyhow the house looks great and I love the fact that the misses (and the little kid still inside her!) gets all excited about Christmas. Today she works and when I woke up around 4am she was awake and told me she hadn’t slept all night. I hope she’s getting a few zzz’s right now.
Now on to “get out now”. This in case you haven’t guessed it, means call your stock broker or money manager (if you have one) today and get out of the market! Yesterday with the U.S. and China agreeing to prolong the inevitable for a little bit, the stock market shot up almost 500 points. Folks, this is a short term bump created by a temporary bandaid from big government and big banks saying they’ll “loan” some money to Europe who will never pay us back, at less than normal rates. The only problem here is someone sooner or later, will have to pay it back. Guess who that is? When this doesn’t happen (which it won’t) things will come crashing down worse than they are now. Some noted economists suggest that everyone should have let Greece fail or default rather than continuously propping up a failed system that will eventually go down no matter what you do. Here’s the view from the experts as to where we’re really at that pretty much sums it up. Take it for what you will.
“Today’s move by central banks changes nothing except the ticks on the Dow Jones. The debt is still there. The people are still broke. The system is still collapsing. Believe the mainstream hype at your peril.”
Let’s really look at what happened yesterday to make the stock market soar almost 500 points. Did you wake up today and find some new money in your wallet or bank account? I don’t think so. Did some of your bills magically disappear overnight? Mine didn’t (I checked). Did you get a call from your bank or credit card company telling you they’d like to loan you a bunch of money at zero interest to help you consolidate all your debt? Good luck. The point is, all that really happened was a short term fix to prevent a global collapse from happening now. Everything I just asked you above of course isn’t going to happen for you but it is what was passed out to failing economies and countries that cannot pay their bills. A couple questions come to mind, first off, why is America giving money to failed economies in Europe when we have no money of our own? Whose money do you think Obama and the Fed are giving to countries like Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal? Well the answer is it’s our money they’re giving away, yours and mine. This is so because the government doesn’t have any money, they are actually borrowing (by printing) money that we, the taxpayers, are on the hook for and will have to pay back. Do you really think Europe and countries like Greece, will ever pay us back? I don’t think so. Second question is, what’s going to happen when this bill comes due and they can’t pay? Hmmmm.
So with this short term bump, you need to make a move today! Not tomorrow, not next week, but now. Like I said earlier in the week, let’s say I’m wrong (highly unlikely), what do you have to lose? But if I’m right….. you can and will lose lots of money. You really ought to pay me for this advice or better yet, if your financial advisor is worth a shit (excuse my language) he or she should be calling you telling you the same thing I am. I doubt this will happen as it’s not in their best personal interest for you to pull money out of the pool of money they manage, I mean how then will they get to charge you the fees they do as they have been for the past few years, while the value of your portfolio goes down. That’s right, they’ve been charging you and collecting fees all this time while you’ve been losing money, pretty good job they have huh. The only way they lose is if you pull your money so I highly doubt they will tell you to take all your money out of the market. What do you think? Now let’s say you have a really good trusted advisor, maybe just maybe, they’re fooled by all this maneuvering by the Fed’s and don’t see this coming. Does this mean you have to go down with them? No, it doesn’t. Once again, and for the last time, taking your money out of the market is a no lose situation, leaving it in is a potentially devastating decision. Wake up people, you are running out of time. At least we don’t have to worry about this as we have no money in the market!
Ok, now back to more pleasant things. Don’t you just love how the misses describes the colors in the morning each day. It’s pretty easy to tell who’s writing the post just after the first few sentences. In my defense, it’s always dark when I’m writing and who wants to hear, “it’s nice and black outside, with the sky like charcoal”. I do love how she first sees the colors when she wakes up though, that’s great.
Today we’ll need to get out all the coats, gloves, hats, snow boots and other assorted gear for the cold outside. It’s 5:20 right now and I think I’ll head to the gym for 45 minutes as I need to get the cars warmed up anyhow. Both dogs are sleeping at my feet right now which is their normal routine after breakfast. Today I get my haircut downtown at 9:30 and then I have lots of work. In fact I have so much work, I just need to take it one day at a time.
I hope everyone is well. I heard that Grandma Dixie and Pa Don aren’t having the best week as both of them are not feeling well. You two better shape up now and get healthy right away, that’s an order! For the rest of you, I hope you’re all doing well. Send us an email or post a comment. I heard from the misses that the Muppets movie was great, maybe we’ll have to go catch it in a week or so after I’m back from Seattle.
Ok, Take care, stay warm, stay safe and God Bless you all,
3 Responses to Paybacks a bitch and get out now!