Starting late tonight, snow and cold will be moving in. Looks like winter is here. We have 3 ski areas open and more opening a week from today. It’s frosty out this morning but clear.
Jag has his third ACT test today and Ty spent the night at Will’s last night. Jag doesn’t need to take the test again but his scores go up every time he does so he thought he’d give it one more try.
Lori made it home around 5:45. I ran down to Denver for a few appointments and was back by 1:30. We’ve been leaving Harley out with Mojo and so far all is good. Let’s hope it continues.
This morning we’re headed to Denver so Lori can get her hair done and then we’re having lunch with Jeff and Tina at the new French restaurant La Biblioteque in Cherry Creek.
We watched the new David Crosby movie which is sort of a retrospective on his life. It’s called Remember My Name. He of course is from the Byrds and Crosby Still Nash and Young. It was a great film but sad in some ways. We’re all getting older every day and it’s a slap in the face of reality when you see your contemporaries or those from your generation getting old in front of you. The only conclusion you can take away from it is yes, you’re old too! Anyhow it brings back great memories of your youth and helps refocus you on just what’s important in life. Another take away is that words matter. Be careful what you say to people as sometimes words can hurt worse than any physical harm. All these artists from my generation usually have some sort of falling out as they’re essentially family. They spend decades or almost their whole life together and there’s bound to be disagreements. The trick is to not say or do anything you can’t go back from. We all know this is hard and is true for any family, right!
Oh well, give it a watch if you have the times. It’s much better than the usual crap on tv these days. If nothing else it’ll make you understand some of the songs you grew up with much better. Time to go, have a great day and God Bless.