It’s all down hill now, at least until January 15th. We can’t believe the amount of taxes we had to pay this year. Throw in another $10,000 to school yesterday and it was a pretty brutal day. Like I said yesterday, it wouldn’t be so painful if we actually saw some things done with all the tax money the govt. receives. The roads are still crap, homeless people still are not taken care of, medical insurance continues to rise and on and on. Personally I think the only solution is to scale things way back into let’s say, 50 independent smaller governments. We could even call them States! Then each of those State’s could manage their own money and people, what a novel idea. Problem is I don’t think the federal govt. will give up all that money. How could they keep all those people employed and go to all those fancy dinners with all those lobbyists that pay for their beach houses and ski vacations. Oh well, maybe just maybe people might wise up and vote for term limits, but I doubt it.
The weather is supposed to change this weekend when Lori goes to and comes back from California. Of course it does, right? The house is coming along and we’re continuing to shop for the best deals on things like floors, fixtures and more. Every one tries to rip you off these days.
We had a new roof built over our front door yesterday which will hopefully keep the ice and snow off our walkway in front of the front door. The building should have been designed this way in the first place. The guy who built this place (who we know) really cut corners wherever he could. Turns out he’s not who we thought he was and has burned a lot of bridges with a lot of good people in town. Oh well, water under the bridge.
Time to get moving, Lori is working out at 7 and I am at 7:30. It’s the only thing that keeps us sane. Plus when you get older you have to, and I repeat, have to stay in shape and have a strong core and legs. The number one health risk for older people (we’re not old in case you thought we were referring to ourselves) is falling. My theory is anything I can do to help myself live a longer healthier life, I have to do. Ok, no more soapbox, have a great day, GB.