Braces Off!

Yesterday morning Jag had his braces removed. Quite a week for him, he gets a modeling job, a new car and the freedom that comes with it and his braces came off! His teeth closed up really well as he had a gap between his front teeth. Ty said they’re pearly white. He’s pretty happy and so are we.

I think we have or had a dead mouse in our walls somewhere. We had lots of flies yesterday afternoon when I made it home but I think I got them all. I need to look through some of the boxes of Mom’s stuff to make sure nothing got in there. Not sure where they came from but talk about gross. I only see one this morning thank God.

I need to go to Denver today and hope to be back by 1 or 2 at the latest. Ty spent the night with Sonny and Jack who came up to visit. I’m a little sore from working out Sunday but doing well. It’s 5:30 and Lori is still sleeping so time to get a little work done.

Did you see yesterday where the govt. program called First Step that was supposed to let low level offenders like pot smokers out of prison, let out sex offenders and murderers? Guess 87 out of 100 senators voted for this as it was sold to us as letting out poor people that shouldn’t have been jailed in the first place, yea right. I’m so sick of these politicians. Let’s get one thing clear, they are not our “leaders”, they are supposed to be our representatives but sadly they act like the former. they all need to go, God Bless.

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