Some pictures

Good morning.  It’s a bit early, but the youngest was insistent on coming downstairs. Ugg. We finally succumbed to his wishes under the guise that he would read a book to us, practice his 15 spelling words and write out his five sentences for his test today. We are now downstairs, the youngest is reading, the mister is also reading (the paper) the dogs are warming our feet and the oldest is in the basement typing and printing some poems for his 4th grade class.

The boys played in the snow for most of the afternoon.  They came in for dinner…chicken  and stuffing followed by chocolate fondue with many different fruits for dipping.  Needless to say that was the big hit of the evening.

I am off to make breakfast, so here comes the Mister….

TGIF, what a week, I’m glad it’s over. Next week I’m in New York and the week after Chicago so a bit of travel coming up. I think we have soccer games on both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. It’s supposed to snow tomorrow which will then cancel the game. It’s kind of muddy outside today and the snow will probably be gone before more comes tomorrow. Today I need to run down to the distributor here in Colorado as I let my employee go here last Friday. He was a great guy but just didn’t grow into the managerial role I had hoped for. Oh well, I think he already has another job as a friend and I made some calls on his behalf.

Ok, now for some pictures from hunting. It seems my buddy’s blog has had over 17,000 hits to see our hunting trip. First is me with an AR-10 (military rifle) and a suppressor (what most people call a silencer) as these are legal to hunt with in Colorado. Most people don’t have a set up like this as it’s about a $10,000 rifle including the suppressor, gun and scope. Next are some pictures of the ranch with snow that hit a few days later. Enjoy,

(hint, just click on a picture to blow it up, click twice to make it even bigger!)


Doug with the suppressed AR-10


Here’s one more of the sun coming up over the mountain!



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