Ok, today we have snow, lots of snow, probably 18 to 20 inches which is a lot of snow when you have to shovel it. Harley loves it bounding from here to there. Ty wants to head to the mountain and I was going to go with him but I’ve had a sore throat since yesterday. Ty went boarding yesterday, then went to lacrosse practice, then went back to town for some food with the girls and then to the closing ceremonies and then watched a little of the concert in town before Lori picked him up.

Jag stayed home and didn’t have such a good day. He and Emma were supposed to get together but couldn’t. She leaves today for a week of ski racing in Winter Park. Lori did get her nails done!

It’s not very cold up here, sort of warm which makes the snow that much heavier as it has a high water content. I started shoveling and Ty took over so I could have some coffee but now I need to get back out there. Have a great day, GB.

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