Today we have the Shakespeare Festival at school from 4:30 until 6:30 or 7. Both boys are presenting and are different characters from one of his plays. We’ll try to get some pictures as they both dress up and had to memorize their lines.
Yesterday both boys went to different movies with the girls. Lori said “well, we dodged the girlfriend thing for a long time”, which is true but now it’s here in full force.
It was warm yesterday and we skipped the Oscar Party in Aspen but were thinking of going over during the day. Glad we didn’t. Lori watched the whole thing with Jag but I read a book. It was the same old left wing entitled Hollywood crowd knocking everything that most of us believe in. No surprise there. I heard the Green Book won Best Picture which I thought was a really good movie. They say it wasn’t “progressive” enough. Don’t know about you but when I watch a movie, I’m looking for entertainment, not political statements, hmmm.
Time to get moving as I’m dropping Lori so I can pick her up this afternoon and get to school so we get a parking spot and seats in the theater for the Festival. I’ll need to get her at 4.
Wednesday I have a day trip to Costa Mesa California for a Costco meeting at 3 pm. I have a 9:30 am flight and will get home about 9 pm. A long way to go for a 20 minute meeting, ha.
Have a great day, GB.