Happy Birthday Jagger!

WOW, today Jag is 17 years old. It’s so hard to believe it’s been that long since he first came into the World at Lutheren Hospital in Wheat Ridge Colorado. I remember Mom and Dad being so happy, especially my Mom! Grandma Dixie and Pa Don and Annette were thrilled too even thought they couldn’t be there. As you all know, he’s turned into quite the young man, more than we could have ever imagined. I’m sure there’s great things ahead for him and he’ll somehow make the World a much better place as that’s the kind of guy he is. We couldn’t be more proud of him and who he has become.

Last night Lori accidentally turned the heat up to 80 degrees! We woke up in a sauna or her version of Hawaii! Jag and I have stuffy noses. Hopefully they’ll go away. Yesterday I ran Jag to Loveland for Emma’s ski race (her parents drove him home) and Ty went boarding on the mountain until 1:30. Today finals start at school and run through Thursday. Hope both boys do well.

I’m off to Denver today and maybe Wednesday and that’s it until Christmas. Lori started making Jag a spice cake last night and just finished frosting it a few minutes ago. It’s 5:39 now and we’re up early as Harley was barking as she thought the place was on fire since it was so hot, ha! Lori just made a snarky face as I read her the blog, double ha! Today she’s back at work of course and a week from tomorrow is Christmas. Take care hope everyone is well and God Bless.

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