
Well, it snowed and snowed and snowed. By this morning we had a foot of the white stuff. Thankfully it was a dry snow which is easier to shovel. Tommy pointed out I mispelled a few words last night, ha, I was tired.

We woke up at 8:20 and I Had to hurry and clean off a car to go get Mojo. He was excited to see me and then as soon as I got home, Lori and I took off to get Harley and get nin a quick 2o minute workout. Harley was super excited and at first didn’t recognize me as I had on dark sunglasses. Then she was all feet and kisses to us both.

The boys are moving I think. Mom’s making French Toast for them now. We have some work to do around here to get ready for the week. Lots of laundry and homework and cleaning up.

Read on for the thought of the day, interesting take on kids and social media in general.

The detrimental impact of social media has been documented in a recent study at an Ivy League university. Those who reduced their usage of social media saw a significant decrease in depression and loneliness. The data proved spending hours per day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media is damaging to the mental health of college students.

Social media is nothing more than virtue signaling and peacocking by people trying to pump up their own egos. The incessant narcissism broadcast by the “beautiful” people results in others comparing their lives to these shallow egocentric elitists. When normal people spend their days comparing their plain lives to the fake awesome lives of strutting egomaniacs, they become depressed and unhappy with their own lives.

Until people put down their gadgets, spend time living in the real world with real people and stop idolizing shallow faux icons, they will become even more mentally unstable. This seems unlikely, as young children are handed tech gadgets while they are still in their designer cribs. The masses will never willingly put down their addictive devices and deal with real issues in a real way.

Until this selfie society undergoes a drastic reversion to reality, likely spurred by a debt implosion and civil or global conflict, people will continue to mindlessly wander the earth staring down at their smart phones, getting dumber by the minute. This madness will stop when daily survival becomes more important than Kanye and Trump’s latest tweet. Until people are more concerned with where they are going to obtain their next meal than the number of likes they are getting from posting a picture of their latest trendy restaurant meal, the madness will continue.

Hmmm, God Bless.

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