Tomorrow both boys leave on their trips. Jag is kayaking and Ty is canoeing. Both are gone until Wednesday. Then school starts Thursday, here we go.
Mojo has an upset stomach as he was eating grass and threw up a little this morning, super. Not sure what he got in to yesterday. I’m headed to the gym before I get to work around here and there’s a lot to do. Lori made it t the airport on time and is having a blast in Sacramento. As I said, she’s gone until Tuesday night.
It’s a lot cooler up here this morning and we had some rain last night so there’s not much smoke outside, at least from our deck. Both boys are finishing up their school work while I’m told most kids haven’t even started. Of course we don’t care about the other kids, just ours so we’re glad they’re on it. The way to do well in school is to get out of the gate fast and don’t fall behind. It’s tough enough without having to do the regular homework week one plus what you were supposed to do over the summer. Oh well that’s it, have a great day, GB.