Monday Morning

Good morning…sorry for the late start. We woke up at 5:50a.m. and the youngest wanted to head downstairs. He slept in his bed for most of the night, but climbed into ours at 2:30 a.m. He kicked the Mister at 3:34a.m. It must have been one heck of a kick because I was startled awake by a loud…”What the H@#L, Lori”, followed closely by “Sorry”. Needless to say it was another sleepless night for both of us. I am going to have to redirect the little one back to his own bed in order for us to get a decent nights sleep.  The youngest has always maintained that he has bad dreams.  I know as a child I had crazy, horrible bad dreams…nightmares… ranging from being in a car that drives off the levee into the water, to giant spiders climbing down from the ceiling. I am sure that my mom was awakened, startled so to speak, many times.  I remember my mom coming in my room often and I was really afraid to go back to sleep. So…that is my reason…or excuse if you prefer for letting the munchkin climb in our bed. He could very well be working the system, but how do you know if he really had a bad dream or not. I’ll let him tell me when he is 20 okay…maybe 12.

This morning I made french toast, bacon, eggs and regular a side of oatmeal to start this Monday morning off right. We sat down to breakfast at 6:30 and the boys were finished at 6:35. They got dressed, watched an old episode of that Australian Crocodile Guy and then brushed their teeth to head off to school. We rode our bikes to school…what a nice way to start the day. Fresh air, a bit of exercise, a little chit chat and a quiet ride home. It is a bit of an uphill climb home, so we will see if they notice how much harder their little muscles have to work after school.

We passed a huge 3 story English Tudor style house on the ride this morning and both boys commented on how quiet the street and the house was.  The youngest immediately said, “That house would definitely not be that quiet if we lived there”. Very matter of fact in his tone…his observation…”Definitely” on the money.

The eldest had a great time at the birthday party he attended yesterday. The kids played football, ran races, and rode on their scooters and skateboards for a couple of hours. When his dad got to the park to pick him up he…(our grown up young man) politely asked if he and the Mister could stay for a half hour… to which his father replied, “Yes”. So, they arrived home at about 5:00. The boys played with the neighbor kids out front and then decided to head down to the Cul de Sac. The kids down there were playing street hockey and of course all of these boys joined in.  The youngest took a shot to his eye with what is called a hockey ball..somewhere in between a tennis ball and a lacrosse ball.  He has a bit of a bruise and said the shot was deliberate. I have no doubt that it was a deliberate shot…We told our two boys in no uncertain terms that they are not to play with this boy.. he is off limits! This boy is almost 12 or is 12…he is a competitive hockey player and I feel he has some anger issues that will probably support his sport of choice in the future.  He has a sweet younger brother that is welcome to come up and play, but my guys need to steer clear of the older one.

I know it is early…but…we started putting up Halloween decorations. Just a few. We have everything else ready to go up October 1st.  I think people will know we are out of town if the yard is not decorated, plus this way we can enjoy the decorations upon our return home from Italy.

The Mister made ribs and sauerkraut  for dinner last night.Have I mentioned how much I love, love, love it when he cooks? The meal was great. However, the boys are still acquiring a taste for sauerkraut. They have no problem with coconut cream pie…too bad coconut cream pie is not a nutrient dense meal.

Tonight is  meatloaf…maybe I’ll try to sneak some zucchini in.  I’ll fill you in on how that goes over tomorrow. The house is still clean, only one load of laundry to do and a quick go over with the vacuum. What will I do with my free time?

Have a great day…God Bless


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