Yesterday I had a great meeting in Denver with my distributor and then it was back up the hill. I made it just in time to take both boys to work. Since it was Ty’s third day, his training period was over so he ended up with $50 cash as his share of the tip pool! Add in his hourly pay and he made $130 yesterday! Today is Jag’s third day so he too will get his share of the daily tips tonight. With it being Friday, his tips could be as much as $100! Ty is off today and tomorrow and back on Sunday. Jag works today and tomorrow and is off Sunday. So you guessed it, that means I’m picking somebody up every night at 10:30 or 11 every single night, ugh. Oh well, it’s good they’re working.
This morning, like in 30 minutes, we’re having an additional deadbolt put on the front door, just for an extra layer of security. It’s pretty safe up here but they did just arrest 4 meth heads from Denver who came up here to steal a few cars and break into about 30 others. You can’t be too careful these days.
After that and a few calls I need to go to Fed Ex in Eagle to get some wine and then stop by the Sheriff’s Department to pick up a subpoena from Bob (one of the deputies) as friends of ours are suing a company from when we all went to Cheyenne Frontier Days about 4 years ago and the bus hit a big bump and threw us all in the air! We’re obviously witnesses for them. Should be fun.
Tomorrow I need to go back down to Mom’s to clean out some more crap. Tom has done so much and there’s a few things left. Looks like we’ll donate about 20 bags of Mom’s clothes which are still left. Then there’s some old silver plated serving stuff no one wants and isn’t worth anything as it’s only “plated” but you hate to just throw it out. I told Tom to leave it and I’ll take it and add it to my stack of boxes of stuff I have no idea what I’ll do with up here. That’s about it, hope all’s well, have a great weekend, God Bless.