Lorenzo and Jen coming to town!

This morning about 11:30 Lorenzo and Jen arrive in Denver from New York. They’ll be here until Sunday afternoon visiting. We have a big wine dinner Saturday night for Vail Resorts. I managed to clean up our kitchen/living room yesterday and really decluttered things. Jag is having a good time and Ty was up working until about midnight on his homework. It’ll be windy today with snow tomorrow which we need so we have enough moisture to get through the summer. Still though, it’s nothing like last year.

Tonight we’re going to sushi for Valentines Day. It’ll be Lori, Ty and I along with Lorenzo and Jen. We’re going to our favorite place, Joy Sushi. Soon we’ll be on the beach, whoo hoo, can’t wait. It’s almost 6 am and I’m about out of things to write. The Olympics last night were exciting with Shawn White winning the Gold Medal in snowboarding. But of course the news focuses on what they call his sexual harassment against a female drummer in his band. Man, what in the hell is the World coming to? I don’t know about you but when I was in my late teens and early twenties, I would have been a serial sexual harrasser. What I mean is we all flirted and said suggestive things to girls and believe it or not, it was normal and accepted. Once again, society has taken a problem (yes I know there are some serial abusers out there, Harvey Weinstein types) and taken it way past where it needs to be. Every man out there is not a sexual harrasser, although by today’s definition, maybe they are. I read yesterday that in France you can get a 350 Euro fine if you ask a woman for her phone number, what? Oh well, sorry for the rant, just came to me hearing the news taint this guy and his Gold Medal on tv, sad.

Have a great day, God Bless.

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