Super Bowl

Today is the big game. It doesn’t really seem as important as ones in the past. In other words, we don’t really care about it. Take all the protests by players this year against the flag plus the fact the the Patriots are in it, again, and it’s like who cares. I’m sure we’ll watch it, sort of. We like the commercials more than anything.

Yesterday Jag headed to Grand Junction for two games while Lori and I headed to Denver. We had a nice lunch with friends after her appointment and stopping at the mall to buy a few things for Jag’s trip. Jag shot 60% from the field and his coach said he’s a great player and a great kid when he dropped him off last night. It seems one of our other guys got a technical foul and was sort of a downer on the whole team. That was Jag’s last game for the season although he might make practice a day or two before he goes to China.

I’m off to Seattle and Portland tomorrow so today we’ll need to get Jags stuff laid out and ready to pack. We’re excited for him, what an experience! Who gets to go to China anyhow, WOW!

Time to run so I can head out to the gym. By the way, have you that get a paycheck noticed your check went up under the new tax plan? Lori’s did about $4000 a year! For me, what I pay in taxes went down about $6000! That’s a big deal for us. We’re pretty happy with it as it’s the first time in our lives that taxes have ever went down! Just saying.

So, go Eagles! (We’re cheering for Philadelphia), have a great day, GB.

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