Yesterday around 3 in the afternoon Lori and I headed back down to Denver to take Dixie to dinner. Around 5 we made it to Elway’s and had a fun two hour visit before taking her back to Greg and Jae’s. Today at 1, she’ll fly home. We ended up seeing her 5 out of the 6 days she was here which was nice but meant a lot of driving. Oh well, you do what you have to do, ha.
This morning Jagger has to be at the hospital for a 9 am surgery. Don’t worry, he’s not having surgery but observing with Dr. Phillipon who is one of the top orthopedic surgeons in the World. The clinic and research center is not named the Steadman Phillipon Research Center for nothing. We think it’s an annular tear repair which is basically hip surgery. Dr. Phillipon patented this particular “fix” and surgeons from all over the World would do anything to have this opportunity. Jag is lucky as he’ll scrub up and be right in there in the OR watching the whole thing and learning from Dr. P. The surgery is about 4 hours long so it’s a big deal. Jag needs to get up and get moving as he needs to eat a good breakfast, shower and prepare just like a surgeon would. Should be quite the experience.
Both boys still need to clean their rooms, ugh. It was warm here yesterday with temperatures in the 40’s. The slopes are in good shape and there’s lots of people skiing, meaning the hospital is busy. A few days until New Years and 2018. Hard to believe as I can vividly remember December 31st, 1999 and being with Lori on a beach in Seattle. Lots has happened in the 17 years we’ve been together. We’re planning some big changes next year so stand by!
For me, I still need to get about $500,000 worth of purchase orders in over the next 48 hours to close the year. I should (hope) be pretty well set but you never know. There’s always this end of the year pressure to get things in.
I’m sore from working out yesterday. I’ve decided I’m going to try to go all of 2018 with zero sugar. The only exception will be fruit. Last night they brought me their famous homemade Ding Dong at Elway’s as Dixie told them it was my birthday. I let Dix and Lori eat it though as like I said yesterday, I’m back on my program. I’m pretty good about sticking to my commitments once I decide to do something. So if I tell myself no sugar, that means no sugar with no exception. Lori said it’s not 2018 yet but I had already decided, so no sugar! Sugar is so bad for you anyhow, and it is a drug, no matter what anyone tells you.
Time to run so we can get moving. I think I’ll take Mojo on a big hike today. We gave him a chew on Tuesday I think Aunt Ali gave us for him that he chowed down and gave him an upset stomach. He’s had diarrhea for a few days and is plugged up. No more chews for him and his sensitive stomach! We should know better, ha. He’s getting old and you can tell. Like most people that get old though, he still thinks he’s young, ha!
Rest up as it’s going to be a big year! Hope all is well with everyone, take care and God Bless.