Home safe

I headed out yesterday to get Lori from the airport. On the way I stopped at Target for a few things and then was at DIA by about 11. After a stop at Five Guys for some lunch, we headed home. A few hours later we all headed out to find the perfect Christmas tree. As soon as we walked out the door, it started to lightly snow. After trudging through the snow up the side of a hill on the way to Leadville, we found what we think is the best tree we’ve had in years, or possibly the best ever!  By the way, the picture doesn’t do it justice, ha! We arrived home, trimmed up the trunk and put it in the stand and then began to string the lights. Of course we didn’t have enough so Jag and I were soon on the way to Walmart. I didn’t know this but they’re open 24 hours, wow, glad I don’t work there. Lori still has some work to do as lots of our ornaments are packed in storage but we did put on a few from Mom’s house. I think Lori is also going to put some ribbon on or something.

Luckily we got our tree yesterday as it was snowing and blowing all night long. It looks like Denver has more snow than we do here but the wind was blowing up here all night long. Lori and I were both really tired yesterday. She was up at 4 and I was up at 5 which means we were up at the same time with the time difference. This week is a little easier for me but I am in Denver tomorrow and Friday and Lori is back at work at the hospital.

I need to be at VMS at 8 to fill out some form for the school to turn in to CHASSA to try to straighten this whole mess out. I’m still pissed that the other coach made this such a big deal. Ty’s season is over and he needs to turn in his uniform today. I’m sure they’ll have a banquet coming up.

The house looks pretty good but the garage is full! I’d better get moving as we need to leave in less than an hour. We (Tom) probably needs to turn the heat way up at Mom’s house as it’s supposed to get colder this afternoon and evening. There’s one broken window upstairs that’s probably dropping the temperature inside the house. I hope the pipes don’t freeze.

That’s it! December 4th, enjoy each and every day as it’ll come and go fast. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, let the spirit within you come out! God Bless.

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