Yesterday I made it to Aspen and back, Jag was at basketball ball practice until 9, Lori and I had a dinner after work with our Chilean wine ambassador Horacio, and Ty had practice until 6. Today is more of the same with Jag leaving school at 2 for a game in Denver and arriving home about midnight. Then of course tomorrow we all need to get out the door early so I can take Lori to the airport to go to California. I have a wine event here from 1 until about 3 in Vail.
I think I’m going to skip my Dallas trip on Monday as I have an opportunity for a hard to get meeting in Aspen. Plus I think it’s going to finally snow.
Looks like Matt Lauer is the latest casualty of the sexual harassment wave sweeping the World. He was fired overnight for some bad behavior, hmmm. Guess it doesn’t matter who you are unless you’re a democratic senator (see Al Franken and John Conyers). Funny how those two creeps can actually stand up and face the camera and say I need to stay in power to continue my work to help people, including women. What an embarrassment. Wonder when this will end, lots of people probably out there freaking out wondering when news about them is going to come out. It’s funny as society has over the years gradually strayed away from morality. Wonder what’s next.
Time to get the boys moving, have a great day, God Bless.