A fun day

Lori and I picked Jag up from practice around 11:20 and headed straight down the hill. We arrived at Park Meadows Mall at exactly 1 in the afternoon. Pretty good time if you know the drive. First stop was Nordstrom’s where the misses tried on and bought some snow boots for work this winter. Next up was Hoops, Jag’s favorite store with all the latest basketball shoes and gear. We bought him some Nike SF Air Force 1’s in black to replace his old worn out ones. Although he knows he’s getting this, it’s still a good present for him. I did get him a Nike coat he wanted that he doesn’t know about. He then picked out a few things for Ty which was a big help.

Next up was a 15 minute drive to Cherry Creek Mall. Here we again hit Nordstrom’s before working our way down the mall. Soon we ended up at Neiman Marcus where the day before I had ordered a dress for Lori that was 60% off! I had her try on one similar just for size and then after a few changes, she found one she liked. Of course then she needed a pair of shoes to go with it for the Company holiday party coming up December 9th. She and I sort of shop this way so we get what we need and want. By now it was 5 pm and Ty was still playing at Ben’s. We were starving so we headed to our favorite restaurant in the mall, the Chop House. After a quick meal, we headed out to pick up Ty and head up the hill. About 8:15, after a stop at Chick Filet for Ty, we made it home.

Today we’re hoping the Forest Service is open so we can get a permit to cut our tree. Lori is gone next weekend to her Mom’s so we need to try and get it now. We have a busy week with both boys in basketball and then I’m in Vail and Aspen Tuesday and Wednesday for holiday tastings at work. On Thursday I’ll drive Lori to the airport to go to Sacramento. Sunday she comes home and Monday I go to Dallas for lunch meeting.

We talked with Grandma Dixie who is now sort of thinking of moving to Oklahoma. I told her make sure it’s what she wants to do but I do agree with her wanting to get the hell out of California. It’s just not a good place to live anymore as it’s changed so much in the past 30 plus years. There’s way too much crime and taxes, along with too many people and grid lock traffic everywhere. These are just a few of the reasons to get out of Dodge. We’ll see though as she has lots of family and friends in California.

Lori just came down so time to get ready for a hike up the mountain or a trip to the gym. Have a great day and get ready for the last week of November. God Bless and stay safe.

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