And on and on and on it goes

Yesterday I was in Denver but had to abruptly leave early as Jag needed some rest from his concussion and Ty had bruised a bone in his wrist from having it bent backwards in gym. Thankfully his x-rays were negative.

I think Derek arrived last night. I tried to get the big hutch cleaned out yesterday and James and I removed about 5 bags of trash from the basement. Mom had saved things like dried flowers from “Spring 1968” along with enough plastic flowers to fill two large trash bags she must have used in displays. There is still so much stuff.

I called Auntie Dee last night as I thought I found some bibles and prayer books in German with her name on it. Turned out to be her grandmothers. She and I had a nice 45 minute talk. For those of you who don’t know, she is our Mom’s older sister who is 93. She’s still sharp as a tack mentally and going strong physically too. We’re going to stay in touch and talk more often. She helped me with some answers to questions I had on things I found. It was funny and eerie as she sounded a lot like Mom from time to time when we were talking. I told her so and she said she often finds herself saying something thinking, “oh I sound like Lois”. I still can’t believe Mom’s gone and while I know it’s part of life, and know that she’s in heaven, I sure miss her. I found myself watching the video from the service last night, ha.

Life is so fragile, precious and such a gift from God, we all need to make sure we don’t waste a moment of it. There’s no time for things like hate, ego, selflessness, and all the other things that tempt us on a daily basis. I now find myself thinking, what would Mom want or what would Mom do, or would this make Mom happy or proud of me, when I do just about anything. So, as you can see, she’s still a big, (maybe even bigger now) influence on my life. We all deal with things in our own way and as for me, I’m prepping myself to deal with Mom being gone over the holidays. Oh well, time to get on with the day.

Hope everyone is doing well, please take a moment and think about what’s really important in your life. I’m sure if you really think about it you’ll realize it’s not money, or jewelry, or a big house or fancy clothes, but family, health and happiness. So go out today and be happy, love your family and be healthy! God Bless you all.

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