Jag’s day off

No b ball today for Jag, but starting tomorrow, he has practice 6 days in a row. The following week the boys are off for Thanksgiving but he does have practice every day except Wednesday and Thursday. They’re pretty darn serious this year which is a welcome change for the team. Both boys picked out some new basketball and workout clothes at the store yesterday. I really didn’t want to spend the money but we’re all for them participating in sports. It makes such a difference in how they feel and is so good for them, plus they needed the gear. Soon skiing will start too, oh boy.

Watching the news this morning is a stark reminder of how much we’ve changed as a society. Some people are just lost. I don’t know if the things that go on today happened 50 years ago (I suspect not) or if the media is just so much more widespread that we see and hear every bad thing in the Country within minutes of happening. I do think there is a disconnect with the values most of us were taught as kids by our parents. A big problem is the one parent or no parent family. You can’t lay all of this on that though as most of us reading were raised partly by one parent, at least for part of our life. I don’t understand how people do not respect the sanctity of life. I believe a lot of it has to do with the “culture of violence” that everyone from musicians to celebrities to Hollywood and video games promote every minute of every day, and have done for decades. Rappers and movie stars and video games glorify murder and violence and disrespect for authority. Then these same people protest any real life violence and blame everyone but themselves. It’s so hypocritical it’s comical. I guess that’s what sells though and nothing matters much if it makes someone money, ha. I think we’re going to try going electronic free up here for Thanksgiving week, meaning no phones and no computers, for the boys. Lori and I of course still need to work. Thankfully we’ve pretty much kicked the video game addiction. Guess I’ll move on but it’s so sad to see the direction we as a society seem to be headed. I’d like to move the family to even a more rural area where many of the old time values still exist. In reality though, you can’t run and hide from things so perhaps we need to try and change things before it’s too late.

I found some great old pictures of Shelly when she was a baby and others when she was a little girl like 3 years old up to 8 or 9. I’ll have to get these to her. There are also a bunch of pics of dad when he was young and so on. There’s even an old tin type photo from some relative a hundred years ago or so. It’ll take some time to get through all the papers and photos but I hope to put things on discs and send to each of us kids.

Derek comes this week and has a two big days of work packing things up. Even after they take a bunch of furniture, there is still going to be a lot left. Tom and I are each taking some but in the end, we’ll need to probably donate some stuff. We did find some good outlets for some of the old clothes where they’ll go to good use. In any case, still lots to do.

That’s it for the day, take care, be safe, and have a great day, GB.


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