Ty comes home!

For the past two days, although it feels like a week, Ty has been camping in Leadville with the 4th grade class. I think I mentioned he was chosen as a leader for the 4th grade trip. We’re glad he’s had lots of camping this year.

I pretty much worked from home all day and tried to get caught up. There’s still a lot of details to get sorted out surrounding the arrangements. Once these are done, then the real work will begin. We’re looking at either October 5th or October 13th for Mom’s service. It seems like a long way away but you have to schedule the church and if they don’t have space, what can I do.

Tomorrow Lori and I, and maybe the boys, will go down to Denver. I’m not sure of our plans and will know more this afternoon.

Hard to believe it’s been less than a week. You’d like to think each day things get a little better but in reality for me, it’s about the same. It’s just whether I’m busy or not that determines how I’m doing. I find myself sometimes in a fog, usually after someone tells me how sorry they are as it gets me thinking. Lori is doing ok but has a couple moments at work each day when something reminds her of Mom. I’m not sure what the proper clinical way is to grieve and I don’t really care. I think everyone has to deal with things in their own way.

The Pastor from Rockland Church called yesterday to tell me how sorry he was. He said he remembered us and Dad’s service and after 15 or 20 minutes of talking about things, told me that Mom is with God and in a better place. I of course believe this and thanked him for his call and will talk to him this afternoon to see if Thursday October 5th is open for the service at his church. Our cousin Chris has been helping me out with setting things up and with her being a minister, we hope it works out where she can be part of, or even perform the service.

Jag loved his first day back. Everyone welcomed him of course and he’s right back in the groove. He has a lot of work to do to catch up as the curriculum is a bit different. His old school was bummed he’s gone as he was a credit to them and they knew it.

They say snow will arrive this weekend in the northern mountains. That’s a little early but I’m ok with it. Lori won’t be happy until I remind her she’ll get to wear all her nice winter clothes, ha! Now that I mention it, I need to wrap up the air conditioner outside and turn on the heat, as there’s a bit of a chill in the air.

I hope everyone is doing well. It’s still hard and will be for sometime. Lori has warned me that Christmas will not be easy. We are planning on having it in Denver at Tom and Ali’s if it can be worked out. Whatever happens I know we all need to be together as that’s what Mom would want and that’s what we all want too. So, take care, have a great day and God Bless.

Funny, I remember Mom saying to me a few months ago, “you know you say “so” a lot, don’t you”, to which I told her, “yes Mom, I do, “so” what do you want to talk about now”?

Here’s a great picture from when we all went to Italy! That sure was a great trip.


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