I made it home yesterday and for those of you that would like to read the post, you can go back a day by clicking the arrow at the upper left corner.
I woke up early knowing I would leave after the morning hunt as I need to get down to see Mom. I spent the morning searching for the bull elk from the night before. Another hunter from Texas we had go to the canyon next to ours as I knew we’d be moving some animals that way. Sure enough after 30 minutes or so at 6:30 am, we heard 4 shots. Thinking Michael, the other hunter, had bagged an elk, we were happy for him. Turns out, this elk was just as tough and took off and even after searching for the entire day, he too was nowhere to be found. That’s part of hunting.
I made it home about noon and gave the boys a big hug. After getting some work done, Ty and I headed out for groceries and then to the hospital to have his cast changed. It was great to see my beautiful wife who truly is, as they say, a vision of loveliness. After the cast change and some big kisses and hugs, Ty and I headed home.
This morning I’m off to Denver as Tom and I are meeting with a doctor to review a care plan for Mom. Turns out she had a gall bladder issue and had to have that drained and will now have a tube for 4 or 5 weeks. They also found a spot on her brain during a CAT scan but were not too worried about it. I just wish we could get her home! We’ll know more this morning after our 11 am meeting. Tommy has been doing a remarkable job handling everything and going to see our Mom every day. Yea, he lives close but it has to wear on him to see her in the shape she’s in every single day. I have a hard enough time seeing her a few times a week as sometimes it’s pretty depressing. Oh well, as they say, you do what you have to do and that’s what my brother is doing.
Lori and I are off to the gym before taking the kids to school and heading to Denver. Hope everyone is well, take care, have a great day and God Bless.