Around 2 yesterday afternoon, I received a call from Ty’s school as he was in the clinic. By the time I arrived 15 minutes later, he was beyond ready to go home. It was clear he wasn’t feeling well and was still sick. Jag rallied and wanted to go to tennis after school so after I brought Ty home, I took Jag to tennis practice. Ty will stay home again today and Jag, who has late start, will go in around 9:30.
Tom and I must have talked 10 times yesterday as we’re trying to figure out how to get Mom home. She needs to eat and then she’s good to go. James will take her a Mac Donalds breakfast this morning and we hope she’ll like the scrambled eggs. Tom brought up a good point that if she’s on an iv for liquids and another for food, she might just be full. Hopefully today she’ll eat some regular food. Other than that, she seems to have recovered from her operation just fine.
Lori is doing ok. She’s supposed to go see Dixie Sept 8th until the 12th after I’m back from hunting. Right now, she and I are both just trying not to get what the boys have. Houston is a mess. Even though the rains and storm are leaving Texas and heading towards Louisiana, it’ll be years or decades for Houston to recover. Imagine when it gets warm and all those houses under water begin to grow mold. It’s going to be a long road to getting things back to normal, if they ever can. The news media is freaking out as black people are helping white people and vice versa. No one is bashing Trump and no one in Houston cares about century old statues. They have nothing to talk about to divide us. And what about the fake news Russia story, where did that go? It now looks like the democrats were more involved with Russia than Trump or the republicans ever were. John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign manager mysteriously filed new disclosure papers yesterday with the govt. about a financial arrangement with the Ukraine to try to destroy Trump. Apparently he received millions of dollars from them, hmmm. As Ty would say, my how the tables have turned. God Bless.