Empty house

As you know, both boys are gone. We know what Jag is doing but wonder what’s up on Ty’s first full day of camp. It took us about 2 hours to get there and another 2 to get home. We joked that in the last two days, we were in the car enough to almost get to California! Jag was in Bethesda Maryland yesterday and is in Washington D.C. today.

At camp, after we arrived, they had all kids go to the clinic to check their feet and then their heads for lice. Never knew lice was that common, maybe it’s not, but they checked.

Lori and I went home via South Park which goes through Fairplay and then over into Breckenridge. We decided to just lounger around and get ready for our big week of tearing the house apart. We’ll start with Jag’s room today as he’s home next Sunday and Ty’s gone for 2 weeks.

Lori has a big day with a bunch of surgeries and patients in for clinic. Most people, including my crew of 9, have the day off. I told my people just take it if you want to and cancelled the Monday am conference call.

2 days ago outside of Dumont, as we were crawling along at 5 miles an hour, Lori spotted 2 moose walking along the hill above Starbucks. It’s rare to see two together. Anyhow here’s a few pictures from when we dropped Ty at camp. We arrived before most people so he had his choice of bunks and took a top level one! Have a great day and GB.

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