After leaving Vail early in the morning in the middle of a snow storm, I arrived in Denver by about noon. I had to wait for the alarm company to come and hook our system back up after our previous provider improperly shut us down due to our expired credit card. Many of you know this story but if you don’t, I’ll be brief. When in California, I received a call from a collection company which made no sense. Turns out, our old company disconnected us as our card on file expired and they sent a letter and called our old address and phone number in Lakewood, which they knew was invalid as that’s where we switched service from! So we were dinged for 3 months of monitoring and early termination of our contract due to their incompetence. Of course this cost us $500 but worse, we had no alarm while in California. I was not happy and thankfully a guy at ADT, managed to figure out how to service us through their system. They were really nice and apologetic as the old company was a third party ADT monitoring company for places out of their service area. The kid that drove up from Aurora was great and called a friend in the monitoring system to get us working again. He and the person I talked to from California used Vail’s zip code so the main system would accept our address and they could service us directly. If we would have out in our so called “right” zip code, it wouldn’t have worked. So in the end, our alarm works, we’re with ADT (who we’ve been with for over 30 years!) and all is good. The only bummer is we’re out $500!
I ran a bunch of errands once I arrived in Denver yesterday and finished up around 4 when I went to see my Mom for an hour. I picked up 3 sport coats and 5 pair of pants that were altered due to me losing weight. The store didn’t charge me a dime which was a nice surprise. Then I had one more stop before getting Lori around 7:30 at the airport. We made it home by 9:30 thinking we would hit snow but once we were out of Idaho Springs, the sky was clear and the roads were dry.
Lori is dealing with a scheduling issue as she thought Dr C was coming back a day earlier than he is. She beats herself up so bad over any mistake but again, if you won’t remember it in 6 months, it’s not that big of a deal! Both boys are sleeping and we’ll be going to the gym soon. Outside the sky is blue without a cloud in sight. In Denver, on the news, it’s still cloudy.
Lori had a good two days with her Mom. I guess Grandma Dixie can travel which is good news as she loves it so much. Thankfully it’s Saturday and we have two days to recoup before the week starts again. It’s now 7am so time to go, have a great day and God Bless.