Well Aunt B is so far the only one to respond with a comment. She also offered to buy each boy a pair of jeans, woohoo, but we’re still waiting to see what “family” means to her and the rest of you. (Aunt B, I know you just overlooked this as you’re always great at commenting!) It was hot yesterday and then the rain came. Along with it was lots of lightening and thunder and the grass looks great! The littlest had a play date with his friend from swim team named Mr. T. (his real name is Tendai), that lasted until mid afternoon. The misses went with him since we didn’t know the family. Meanwhile the oldest and I ran to Boulder to do a little business and then went for fish tacos for lunch. Around 2 in the afternoon Mom headed to the doctor for some relief from her 3 day headache. It was intensified when she went to L.O.L. house to give Bunkie a shot. It seems Bunkie had peed somewhere so L.O.L. dumped a whole bottle of perfume on the carpet to make pee smell like perfume and pee! Now most of us know the misses is allergic to perfume so after this, she was in really bad shape. Anyhow the oldest went with her while the little guy and I read some books together.
Dinner was a hodge podge of leftovers. We try to not let anything go to waste these days. I’m super excited for football and thankfully this has diverted my attention away from all the loser politicians in Washington, they just don’t get it. Last night the misses and I were watching the news and they were trying to put our national debt in perspective. It turns out that if you made $4o million a year, it would take 350,000 years to pay off our debt! (make us all feel a little bit better about our debt huh)
350,000 years at $40 million a year! Can anyone comprehend this? Obviously our elected officials in Washington can’t. (sorry, no football on right now) I mean the numbers are so big that these so called leaders don’t even think twice when they vote to tack on a few billion more for some meaningless program such as studying the mating habits of slugs. I hope we’re not already too far gone and that my children are not living in some shell of what America once was when they grow up, but I’m telling you, right now, it doesn’t look good.
Tonight the boys have football from 5:30 to 8:30 and then we’ll rush home and hit the hay as we’re headed to California tomorrow. We’re back in 48 hours but the blog might be late on Saturday. We need to get up around 4am Saturday to make our flight home so I won’t get to it until noon or so that day. I think I have it covered tomorrow and Friday as I’ll be up early tomorrow and will use Grandma Dixie’s computer on Friday morning. Thanks to Aunt B for helping with the dogs, she’s a life saver, again! It seems Grandpa Bob is not doing so well these days and we need to get our family there asap, so the four of us are headed to California!
The misses just came down and her head seems a bit better but she’s now headed down to Bunkie’s and we’re hoping the perfume/pee aroma is all gone. Both boys rashes and bites seem to be fading, thankfully. We’ll still take Benadryl with us on the plane just in case. Work is still tough, lots of choices need to be made daily and some are not that easy. I may lay off a couple people in order to hire a couple more in sales. I’m in Seattle next week and will decide what to do by then. Anyone that tells you the economy is turning around doesn’t own their own business. The hot businesses or opportunities these days are anything that has to do with survival or sustainable living, (small ranching and farming, local food production, alternative energy), dermatology, (tons of skin cancer emerging from the baby boomers who used tanning beds and tried to get as dark as they could when younger) and water, the new gold, there’s only so much. Think about it, if anyone has any other up and coming business ideas, let me know, we’re always looking! It’s a changing world we live in. We’re lucky to be in an industry that people also cannot do without, alcohol! People drink in good times and bad, they just drink different stuff. It’s no secret we’d love to have a little ranch or farm with some animals and crops. We’re under no illusion that this is easy, in fact it’s an extremely hard life, but it seems it would also be a rewarding life, especially for the boys. Funny that most people strive to make money to retire to travel and lounge in luxury by some pool somewhere and our dream is to have horses, animals like chickens and cows, a huge garden and lots of hard work. To each his own but for me, I plan to stay active, mentally and physically for the rest of my life. Our neighbor Roger, a retired minister (he baptized the boys) is 70 years old and is as fit as a 40 year old. This is mostly due to him being active and eating right. I’m sure some genetics help as well.
Oh well, the boys are up and I need to get on the phone, sometimes it seems like that thing is glued to my ear! The oldest is still itching from his bites or some kind of poison ivy or sumac or something. I just put some cream on them for him. Mom’s back from Bunkies and now it’s time for breakfast. I’m getting my haircut this morning and Mom’s now walking around the house burping. It seems she has some bad gas problem in her stomach from whatever she ate, and it has her feeling all bloated. At least she’s not farting, oh wait, girls don’t fart, so I’m told.
Take care, have a great day God Bless and get off your ass and email or comment! If you don’t know how, call us, we’ll help.
2 Responses to Still hot and raining