
Not sure if declutter is a word or not but that’s what we’re doing. It’s 6am and I’m off to Longmont and Boulder in 30 minutes or so and hope to be back up here by a little after 11am. I need to drop some samples and have a few other quick stops.

Jag is feeling better and Ty skied yesterday but the wind was so cold it pierced right through all his layers of clothes. When Jag and I picked him up, he had a large hot chocolate from Starbucks. I had a really good day at work and accomplished a lot. Lori did as well and made it home a bit after 6pm.

Everyone is still sleeping but Ty needs to get up and clean so the cleaning ladies can clean. It’s cold up here and will stay that way until maybe next weekend. Ty went to the orthodontist yesterday and his teeth are straightening out nicely. On March 8th, Jag will go in and probably get Invisalign which is a type of clear retainer that will hopefully close the gap in his front two teeth. At least he doesn’t need the full blown metal braces on his teeth. I’m sure it’ll still cost a good $5000 like Ty’s. It is what it is, right? Oh and Ty wants to go to summer camp in Michigan. It’s 3 weeks long and will be a good thing for Ty. The kids are not allowed to take cell phones or computers and can’t call home. It’s in the Upper Peninsula close to Canada and they camp and canoe the waterways. His friend Warner went last year and it seemed like Warner grew up years in a matter of weeks. Jag too wants to go to a camp with his friend Zach in Hawaii but we’re not so sure about that one. He will get some kind of job this summer as it’s time for him to go to work. We’ll keep you posted.

Lori just came down at 6:15 to help clean too so the cleaning people can then clean, ha. I bought Mojo some rawhide bones from Wholefoods the other day that are made in the U.S. and healthy but they gave him the worst gas you’ve ever smelled. It’s so bad, it wakes you up! Even he knows it and keeps moving around and can’t figure out why the smell follows him. We’ll never buy those again as the whole house reeks. Time to run, have a great day and GB.

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