The Day After or sometimes called Boxing Day, if you’re in England or Canada. Everyone is still sleeping but Mojo and me. Yesterday was a nice day but we did sit in the car for a bit. Going down wasn’t too bad but coming home, we ended up sitting at the top of Vail Pass for a good 45 minutes as it was closed due to accidents. Finally we made it home between 5:30 and 6. Mojo was with us so he was fine.
It was nice to see Grandma and Tom and Ali and we had a good time. Shelly didn’t make it as I guess she wasn’t feeling well. Today we’ll go through all our presents and see what fits and what doesn’t. Then we’ll box them up (that’s where Boxing Day comes from) and get them ready to go back to the store later this week.
The boys and I might go skiing today, we’ll see. So hope you all had a good Christmas. The Bronco’s lost as we just had too many guys injured plus we have no offensive line. I’m not really upset as if by some luck we would have made it into the playoffs, we wouldn’t have gone too far. This way we’ll get a better draft choice in a few months. In any case, John Elway, who’s in charge, has to work his magic again this year but this time on the offensive side of the ball, instead of the defense. He did it 2 years ago so let’s hope he can do it again.
That’s it, hope you all made it through the day, GB.