Here we go, hold on, it’ll go fast now.
Yesterday was pretty busy itself. I can’t even remember everything but I do know I was at the gym, a few stores, the hospital a few times, in and out of town dropping Jag to play some basketball and then we wrapped some presents. This morning, believe it or not, I’ll be in Denver by 8am picking up one present that didn’t make it up here! I also have another that the store left the security tag on so I need to take that down to have it removed. I hope to be back by noon and that includes a stop at the grocery store.
We’re supposed to get hammered with snow this evening. They say between tonight and tomorrow it could be a foot or more. We’re hoping most of it will be a bit higher on the mountain as we need to get to Denver tomorrow morning. Today at 4pm we have the Cowboy Christmas out at the 4 Eagle Ranch. They have a giant, and I mean giant tent that must hold over 1000 people. Then on stage is a great cowboy band that plays Christmas carols. Throw in hot cider, fire pits outside with s’mores and sleigh rides and it’s a fun time. I still have a couple of things to wrap too.
Lori is slammed at work. I finally pulled her put of her office around 5 :15 yesterday. Everyone else but one PA was gone. As we were driving out of the parking lot, 3 girls, with one on crutches, were walking in the snow covered lot and having a hard time. I rolled down the window and asked if they needed a ride. In broken English they happily accepted. So I rearranged all the stuff in our car and loaded them up. Turns out they were three 19 year olds here from Argentina working on visas at one of the local lodges. They are here for 4 months and one of them had a bad snowboard accident and hurt her foot. They were trying to get to the transit center so they could take the bus home to Avon about 10 minutes down the highway. Lori and I looked at each other as the poor little girl on crutches was having a real hard time. Without discussing it, we both said at the same time, “do you want a ride to Avon?”. They gladly said yes all at the same time, and then we said first we need to pick up our oldest son down the street where he was getting out of the movies after playing basketball. They were fine with that. As we pulled up, they saw Jagger and made some comments like “ooh, look at him” and some other assorted giggles. He opened the door and said “wow, there’s a lot of people in here” and then we explained what was going on. He climbed in the back and the three girls started talking to him and soon Lori decided as a Mom to weave the fact that he was 15 years old into the conversation! Being 6 foot 4 or 5 inches tall, it’s hard to tell as he looks much older. Anyhow we drove them home and they were so thankful. Victoria, Camilla, and Julia, (pronounced O-lee-aa) were really nice girls and are here working for $12 an hour! If we didn’t drive them home, Julia would have froze as she would have had a hard time walking in the snow on crutches from the bus stop. So, there was our good deed for the day!
Not sure if Dixie’s package arrived last night. It was supposed to but so was Annette’s that is now arriving Tuesday. It’s my fault for getting them both out so late, sorry. Time to run as it’s 6:15 and I need to be on the highway in about 20 minutes. Merry Christmas and I’m sure we’ll talk to everyone sometime today, May God Bless you all!