Yesterday was a busy one, a bit busier than usual with the big birthday and all. I managed to get Jag to the mountain by about 9:30. Then I had to rush home to get Lori and Ty. After getting Ty to the mountain for a few hours, he called as it was too cold up top with the wind blowing. Then Ty and I drove over to Silverthorne to get Jagger’s cake. We were stuck behind snow plows going both up and down Vail Pass on our trip which turned our trip into twice as long as it should have been. Finally at 4 or so we made it home. Lori was drifting in and out of sleep and decided to skip her afternoon PT as she was so tired. She was also understandably sore after working for the past two days. Here’s a few photos for fun, The first is obviously Lori and Amy who is the VP of Clinical Operations and I think you all know who the next two good looking guys are! The girls are of course at the party and if you look close you can see how tired Lori is and from yesterday morning, Jag is just about to get dropped off for skiing. I was going to stay home from the game but Lori says she’s fine so looks like I get to go to Denver where I think it’s actually colder than up here. I told Tommy I wasn’t sure whether or not to go as I hate to go through all the trouble of going if we lose! Sure hope we win. Jag took 3 buddies to dinner last night for his birthday. They had a lot of fun just being “the guys”. He has an American Express card in his name for emergencies on school trips and this was the first time he actually got to use it. He of course is very responsible and made sure the guys didn’t order the $80 Kobe Beef!
A week from today is Christmas! We literally have only bought one present and it was Aunt Robi’s! I think we’ll go to Denver for a day next week to knock it all out as they don’t have a Dollar Store up here, ha ha. Tomorrow is Tommy’s birthday and on it goes. Not sure what the boys are doing today but Lori has PT at 8am which is in exactly 36 minutes. So have a good day, the whirlwind continues, God Bless.