We have some snow, actually lots of snow. Should be great skiing. I think Ty is going up today but Jag, who skied all day yesterday, is going to study for finals.
So, let’s look at the day. Ty woke up at Max’s and then they all went to play basketball at the Vail Cascade (a resort). I finally picked him up around 2:30 to bring him home for a quick shower and change of clothes before he headed to the movies and then ended up at the Four Seasons playing in their game room. Jag meanwhile skied all day long until about 4 pm. Then he too decided to go to a different movie with 3 friends. He too ended up at the Four Seasons as Warner and Harmon’s parents were there again last night. They all leave today for the airport in Denver to fly back to Washington D.C. So both boys had fun with their friends for the last 3 days.
Lori went to the 8th Annual Ladies Christmas Tea at the Calvary Church, which is the one we sometimes go to and that also has the big Cowboy Christmas Eve celebration at a local ranch each year. There must have been 300 women there yesterday, actually 24 table of 12 ladies each, which is 288! She had fun even with a headache. Meanwhile I cleaned up a bit and did some things around the house.
I just found out I might have to go to dinner with Andrea and Veronica in New York next Wednesday about a new restaurant concept. Hopefully I’ll know by later today so I can plan. Hope everyone is well, GB