Today is the 200th post of the year, that means we have 165 days left in 2011, time sure flies. Yesterday was full of swimming, cleaning (you can hardly tell), bowling, a sleepover and a great dinner. Both boys did great swimming with the oldest missing a state qualifying time by 2 seconds. He was bummed that he missed it but he took over 20 seconds off his time in the last 2 weeks! The littlest one also swam great races, taking 15 seconds off his time in two weeks as well. The older one is coming into his own as he’s grasping the technique a bit more at his age.
The misses and I joined our friends around 4pm for bowling. Turns out I’m quite a bowler and probably could have done even better but I tweaked my back and was afraid it was going to go out. After a few hours of rolling the ball down the lanes, we all headed downtown to Oceanaire for dinner. This is probably the best seafood restaurant in the city and we all had a great dinner. The only problem is restaurants use so much salt you’re always swollen up after eating out. The misses and I arrived home about 9:30 and had an uneventful evening as we just went to bed to catch up on some much needed rest.
I woke up around 2:30m to the dog barking to go out. When I got downstairs I stepped in some “throw-up” while letting the dog out. I then of course had to clean this up as well as me feet. The boys just arrived home with Uncle T and they had a great time. They made their own pizzas for dinner, played outside and watched a movie. Uncle T (reliving his childhood) bought both boys a remote control tanks that goes in water and on land and is a water cannon to boot! How cool is this! I want one too! They also came home with a few other goodies and were perfectly behaved and followed Uncle T’s rules to the letter. We’re now cooking up some breakfast and then will tackle the house.
We’re still waiting to see just how urgent it is to get out to California to see Grandpa Bob. Grandma Dixie, bless her heart, is diving right in to find out just what is going on. It’s hard to tell what’s really going on when we’re so far away. When you have 3 different people passing information on to each other, details can tend to get confused. All I know is that the misses of course is understandably worried for him. Hopefully we’ll know more tomorrow or the next day after he can get to a doctor. In the meantime all we can do is wait and try not to get too worked up about the unknown. If (or when) we need to go out, we’ll figure out a way to do so. We’ve got a little cash stashed for emergencies and I guess this qualifies as one.
The oldest and I begin our hunter safety classes today at 3pm. He’s quite excited and I am too. I’m not really thrilled about 4 hours in a classroom but I’m all in focusing on the end result. We’ll need to eat either early or late, (wonder if I can take food in with me?) we’ll decide later today. I can smell bacon cooking (we haven’t had bacon for weeks) so breakfast is getting close. We love bacon, who doesn’t! I briefly visited my Mom yesterday who is doing fine. She’s got a lot going on around her house right now. I guess when you have 45 years to accumulate stuff, it takes a while to go through it all and she’s in cleaning mode like the rest of us, plus she’s never been one to throw anything out. I think she was having a girlfriend over for a visit yesterday afternoon. She (unlike some other people her age), is really together at this stage of her life. My next challenge is to get her on some kind of trip whether to Hawaii or Europe or maybe someplace closer like Yellowstone. Maybe we can plan something for next Spring as it’ll be winter around here before you know it. She loves her home and really enjoys just being there but look out Mom, I’m going to keep on you until we all go somewhere. (I’m sure hearing this thrills her)
Time to go now so I’m signing off for the day, hope everyone is doing well and has a great day, God Bless,